We all dream about a long deep sleep once in a while. This kind of dream which never come through on all sorts of big and small reasons, no matter how badly we need it.
People with sleeping disorder, short- and long-time insomnia, are in despirate need to brake the cycle of sleepless nights. It must be a special invironment where they can fall asleep not stressing about beying waking up on any miserable reason.
Sleeping Camp is the whole concept of a sleeping sanctuary, where everything is desired to let you fall into a nice long sleep. It's a hundreed acres of woods with setted up specially designed worm and cosy hammocks apart from each other. You never hear other sleepers because... everybody here is sleeping. Noise, light, smoke, and smell polutions are strictly prohibited. You see stars and hear a brook.
Opening hours: blablabla.
Address: some place