Loaded Truck onChile-Bolivia Border

From Chile to Bolivia Through Atacama Desert

There is no road from San Pedro de Atacama, Chile to Uyuni, Bolivia, but there is a way – dirt road through the Atacama Desert. One should be a genius of GPS to navigate if decides to go by himself. Tour agencies organise 4×4 tours from San Pedro to Salar de Uyuni.

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Geyser El Tatio, Atcama Desert, Chile

A Must See in Atacama Desert

The Atacama Desert in Chile is the place you feel totally out of the planet Earth. The extreme dryness and high elevation make it’s landscapes comparable to Mars surface. In Space Odyssey TV series the Atacama Desert represents both Mars and Venus. And yes, there will be the moments you wish you were in a space suit.

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AT trail-days-2015

Hitchhiking Tennessee

I should being pedalling now from Chicago to Santa Monica by Bicycle Route 66 but instead was hitchhiking from Nashville to Mountain City, Tennessee.

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The beginning of Magic hour

Nordkapp Magic Hour

I was dreaming about this since my childhood, how I would stay at the very end of the land, facing the North Pole. For some reason I don’t want to stay in the North Pole itself, and minus 50 is not the reason.

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Cape Canaveral


I flew from South Africa to hike the #AppalachianTrail. What I knew about it? That as a trail runner I was able to do these 2000 miles anyway. I supposed to walk with a project of US militaries, so no need to care about supplying/resupplying. They would show me the way to hm… Katarin? Karazin? Ah, does it matter?

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