Tag archive: USA

Lena Faber. Four Years on Foot

Four Years On Foot

By that time the children had already grown up, so I just bought a ticket and flew … to the Kalahari Desert, 2008. Remember the movie? Gods Must be Crazy-2? A must watch. I always wondered if one day I could run like the bushmen in the movie.

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Caro Mio Ben

Learning to Sing

My grandmother, the princess Mescherskaya, after the revolution of 1917 became an opera singer. I never opened my mouth for a single note until

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Eating a watermelon

Night Promenade With Puncture

Yesterday night respectable citizens of Palm Beach Shira and Jon took a promenade to Downtown. Under the empty bridge, surrounded by construction fence, they were catch up by a stranger, walking her bike.

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Theresa and Rick, Ashland

Theresa and Rick

Prince William Forest Park. I decided to make a short cut, but, as usually, it took me much longer than it would just on regular path.

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