Motel in Luray, VA

Shenandoah Bears

Shenandoah National Park. Stunning views, meeting with bears, storm at night, a ride from German tourists to the motel, then back to the trail.

So here you are, a bear. Oops, bears. My second time I saw them. The first was at Lake Tahoe, a baby with a mother. I ran away between them. Later I learned: first, I should not run; second, they were grizzly! I ran away alive, even it looked like I should not. Thankyouthankyouthankyou…

I read about black bears a day before starting the trail and this time did everything that was prescribed. So. When I felt that somebody is staring at me, I raised my eyes to him. On it. Behind the branches, a few steps ahead. I was afraid to use a whistle, started singing instead and walk backward. Probably the bear’s thoughts were “what an idiot” as it did not move, just kept staring at me. A few seconds later the baby crossed the path. A couple of steps ahead, and I would find myself in between mother and baby. Phew…

A horrible thunderstorm at night, just when I was going to set a tent. I jumped on the empty road at the moment when a car was passing me. They turned around! A German family, we arrived at the motel together.

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Awarded journalist and photographer. Started running and earned a Silver medal at the World Athletics Championships within the same year, 2011. Got the trailname Brave and turned into intrepid solo traveler.