On the way to Boston

Syrniki with Smetana

Portsmouth was very pretty, without any industrial areas around. After it, East Coast Greenway Trail went on R1, Ocean Rd, with heavy traffic, and continued in a very nice area, Rye. Nice for living, but not for buying anything when you were getting hungry.
 On a certain point, I noticed, that I already was there. An hour ago. The arrow signs without notification about S and N confused me again. I became hungry at the same moment I became angry. I cycled to the men, who was staying with his car in a garage and asked, where was any food store in their Rye. He happened to be Ukrainian, the same his wife, who came out, hearing my Russian accent. They both were medics and won a green card fifteen years ago before their kids were born. It was no need to look for a store, as they treated me with syrniki with smetana!
It was not much afternoon, and I carried on to Boston. As usual, before a big city, I lost the signs, cycled into McDonald’s, checked the trail website, and realized, that by the time I’d be back on the trail, it would be dark.
I hitched. Erin, with kids on her van, passed me, made a u-turn, and stopped. Because once she cycled like me herself! And people always helped her. She squeezed her kids, I squeezed my bike, we drove back to Beverly, dropped kids at home with her husband, and she drove me to the North Station of Boston!  This night I knew exactly where I was going, and it didn’t take long to cycle to the place.

Lena Faber used to work as a journalist at a mainstream Russian newspaper, wrote books for a major publishing house, and directed her original concept on TV. In 2009, she moved to South Africa, taught at the university, took up running, and earned a silver medal at the World Masters Athletic Championship in California and, in the meantime, won an international photo contest with following up solo exhibition. In 2014 she "shut the door" and gone hiking the Appalachian Trail, cycling from Chicago to LA (US Route 66), from Maine to Florida, from London to Orkney, etc. Now in MidCoast, Maine.