The ever coolest selfie
Camera Obscura, a World of Illusion in the old centre of Edinburg: mirrors, optical illusions, holograms, lights, tricky images and confusion corridors. Ten selfies in one shot.
- Camera Obscura, Edinburg
- Camera Obscura, Edinburg
Camera Obscura show – Victorian Eye in the Sky – give you a picture, reflected from the 175 years old mirror on the roof, of surroundings with people and cars moving around.
View of Edinburg from Camera Obscura
- Old Edinburg, view from Camera Obscura
- Old Edinburg, view from Camera Obscura
- Old Edinburg, view from Camera Obscura
- Old Edinburg, view from Camera Obscura
- Old Edinburg, view from Camera Obscura
- Old Edinburg, view from Camera Obscura
- Old Edinburg, view from Camera Obscura
- Old Edinburg, view from Camera Obscura